MoU with IBP

MoU(Memorandum of Association) is signed between NEDUET and
Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) held at NEDUET on 15th
January 2024 in which both institutes agreed to conduct
joint and collaborative training of students and faculty,
joint projects, consultancy and much more.


Session by PII

Pakistan Insurance Institute (PII) organized insurance
awareness session in collaboration with EMD on 16th January
2024 at NEDUET. Mr.Khalid Hamid , Chairman PII, and
Mr.Shahzad and Mr.Athar Siddiqui from PII graced this
occasion with their presence

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Zero Carbon

EMD collaborated with PARCO and Artistic Milliners to
contribute towards achieving Net Zero Carbon emissions -
proudly organized by United Nations Global Compact Network

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Energy Finance

This launch of Energy Finance Outlook that was held in 2023
shed light on Pakistan's Energy landscape.It covered
extensive discussion on pertinent topics such as climate
emergency and sustainability

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Team EMD,led by Dr.Hina Mubeen, clinched first prize in both
Documentary and Short Film Categories at National Climate
Justice Youth Film Festival. A brilliant showcase of skill,
determination and passion. Congratulations

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The department of Economics and Management Sciences is a part of faculty of Architecture & Management Sciences. The Department offers full-time 4 years BS programs in Economics and Finance, and Management Sciences; and 2.5 years MS program in Economics and Finance. The degree programs are designed to develop logical reasoning and analytical skills among students through the provision of advanced knowledge in the field of Economics and Management Sciences. The department aims to establish the thinking ability of the students in such a way that they can carry out innovative research in the field of Economics, along with to prepare the students to meet the market challenges in public and private sector. The teaching methodology at the department is a blend of theory and practice, as seminars, lectures and field visits are all given due importance. The Department has highly qualified faculty and is well equipped with major academic needs such as lecture halls, seminar rooms, classrooms, meeting rooms, a computer lab and faculty offices.

Offering programmes

The department of Economics and Management Sciences is offering following programmes

  1. BS in Economics & Finance
  2. BS in Management Sciences
  3. MS in Economics & Finance


Message from the Dean / Ag. Chairman


Dr. Noman pic.jpg

I take this opportunity to congratulate the Department of Economics and Management Sciences on the occasion of launch of their web page. Ever since its inception, the department has under taken many useful co-curricular activities. The organization of a seminar on crypto currency is an example. Learned guest speakers enlightened the audience and other attendees about the significance of this important topic. Study trips to various institutions and a regular conduct of guest speaker sessions continue to add value to the teaching and learning processes.

There are many important economic challenges and opportunities that the country is experiencing. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the most invaluable development. It shall offer many opportunities of exploration for the faculty and staff of this department through research and outreach activities.     

I wish the Chairman, faculty, students and staff of the department all the success in their present and future endeavors.



Prof. Dr. Noman Ahmed

Professor and Dean

Faculty of Architecture and Management Sciences

NED University of Engineering & Technology